Project structure

The current project is composed of 4 sub-projects:

  1. common
    The common sub-project is where the reusable code is shared across the projects.

  2. server
    Trumpet server, i.e. reading the hdfs edits log files. Build this project to deploy and run Trumpet

  3. client
    Example of client application, reading from Kakfa and doing someting meaningful. This sub-project also contains the required dependencies to write client applications.

  4. docs
    This documentation.

Build it

This project is based on Maven. To build it, you need to ensure you have java and maven installed, and then:

mvn clean install

Available options, in addition to the standard maven options:

  • -Phadoop26 (default), -Phadoop27, -Pcdh52, -Pcdh53, -Pcdh54 or -Phdp22. See Compatibility for details.
  • -DrpmRelease=1 to change the RPM build release number. See RPM for details.


Running mvn package (included in the install goal) will generate an RPM. find server/target -name "*.rpm" to list the exact path and name of the server RPM.

The RPM can be transformed in .deb via Alien or FPM (see or for more generic conversion) if required.

The RPM is installing Trumpet under /opt/trumpet/server/, with the following directory structure:

  +- bin/
  |  +-
  |  +-
  |  +-
  |  --
  +- conf/
  |  -- logback-production.xml
  +- lib/
  |  +- server-<VERSION>.jar
  |  +- server.jar -> server-<VERSION>.jar
  |  -- ... all the other jars ...
  -- logs/
     +- trumpet.log
     +- stdout
     -- stderr

While building Trumpet, you can add -DrpmRelease=123 as a maven command parameter to change the RPM build number (by default 1)

Note: if you just want to build a specific version of the server RPM, without rebuilding everything, you need to run the following:

mvn build-helper:parse-version rpm:attached-rpm -Phadoop27 -DrpmRelease=123 -f server


HDFS-7446, released as part of Hadoop 2.7.0 release, changed the HDFS-Inotify interface. In order to achieve multi-version compatibility, Trumpet is using a compatibility class which uses reflection to work around compatibility issues.

Trumpet is tested with:

  • Hadoop 2.6 -- mvn clean install -Phadoop26 (default)
  • Hadoop 2.7 -- mvn clean install -Phadoop27
  • CDH 5 -- mvn clean install -Pcdh52, mvn clean install -Pcdh53 or mvn clean install -Pcdh54
  • HDP 2.2, 2.3 -- mvn clean install -Phdp22, mvn clean install -Phdp23

Run it

Trumpet server is a long running process to run alongside the JournalNode. A supervisord config file is also provided if you'd like to use supervisord daemon to launch Trumpet.

Once the RPM (or equivalent) is installed, manually launch Trumpet like this:

$ /opt/trumpet/server/bin/ --zk.connect <zk_ip:2181>

Note: If you're running CDH, it's highly likely that is not in /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml. You need to manually set --dfs.edits.dir parameters to specify manually the directory:

$ /opt/trumpet/server/bin/ --zk.connect <zk_ip:2181> --dfs.edits.dir <root_dir_where_edits_files_are_stored>

Note #2: <root_dir_where_edits_files_are_stored> should point to the same location than, i.e. excluding <nameservice>/current.

Or copy /opt/trumpet/server/conf/trumpet-server.ini in /etc/supervisord.d to have have Trumpet run as a supervisord process (recommended).

sudo cp /opt/trumpet/server/config/trumpet-server.ini /etc/supervisord.d/
sudo vi /etc/supervisord.d/trumpet-server.ini # update <zk_ip:2181> and potentially add --dfs.edits.dir if not found in /etc/hadood/conf/hdfs-site.xml
sudo supervisorctl reread
sudo supervisorctl add trumpet # will start Trumpet as autostart is turned on

Note #3: all the scripts can be run with --help to get additional info